As for the songs, I wrote a new one on friday. It's totally depressing and a potential suicide risk, however, it is quite beautiful in my humble opinion, and it is going on the album fo' shaw. It's funny about these things... Just materialising out of thin air sometimes. Well, the new track brings the tally to 11, because we've ditched another mellow song I did. And i've got an idea for the album art work as well. I want big, mono-chrome, bright-as-fuck colours on every surface of it. It'd be cool to make the art work refer to nothing at all, somehow. I don't know. We'll see. I have to start thinking about album titles, also! Damn, I haven't given that much thought...
here's a picture of the love-team this time round. Photo credit: Kevin N. Andersen
Har du en fornemmelse af hvornår det ligger klar til udgivelse?
SvarSletbum bum... 1/6/10. måske lidt før. single engang i april :)
SvarSletHvilket nummer kan man forvente som single?
SvarSletuh, det er for tidligt at sige. jeg ved slet ikke hvordan ideerne udarter og manifesterer sig. så det blir først om et par måneder jeg kan sige det. men der er rigeligt med sange at vælge imellem høhøhø